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Maryknoll Thailand
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We, members of Maryknoll's Thailand Mission Team, integrate the charisms of the Maryknoll Mission Association of the Faithful, the Maryknoll Congregation of Sisters, the Maryknoll Society of Priests and brothers, the Maryknoll Affiliates and partners from Philippine Catholic Lay Mission and Quebec Foreign Mission Society in our goal of Catholic missionary ministry to the people of Thailand.

We are here because of a vocation, a call to mission from the Lord Jesus whose disciples we are. We want to be of service as individuals, but individuals called together in a community that gives us guidance and support, as well as enabling us to grow in the efficacy of our commitment and in our personal union with God.

In our service to the local church and the people of Thailand we have opted to reach out especially to the poor, based on the example of Jesus and our discernment as a community.